od: Xperience Group

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) addon for UK enables capture & submission of CIS details to HMRC

CISLite manages the calculation, deduction, and submission of CIS returns directly within Business Central. CISLite has gained HMRC recognition for the ability to file a valid return (CIS300).

CISLite can be used as a standalone product or can be utilised with Contracts365 to provide an end-to-end Construction solution.

Features of CISLite include:

    • Recording of relevant essential CIS information, such as Subcontractor Type, UTR Number and Company Registration number
    • Direct retrieval of CIS Verification information from HMRC into CISLite.
    • Subcontractor Orders can be raised and managed, allowing for Materials/Labour split.
    • Subcontractor Invoice and Credit Memo processing with Materials/Labour split.
    • Subcontractor Payments with CIS recording at payment date.
    • CIS300 Monthly Return routines with direct submission to HMRC
    • Production of Subcontractor statements.

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